My talents as a soothsayer started quite early in life. Once when asked 'how I do it,' my answer: I have visions while wide awake and my dreams frame the total experience. I dream in color, black and white, various languages and time zones. Other lives are no exception.
Winds of Jupiter Tarot is the courier of the gift I've been divinely granted.
The Big 10 University that I attended didn’t have Tarot Card Reading or 101 Divination courses, so I became a Geologist and an Engineer from my graduate studies. Eventually I was guided to turn to my passion of divination, for that is where my happiness lies; paying my gift forward in hopes to help others along their path "in this thing called life," as Prince would say.
Tarot can assist with the synchronicity of the natural laws of the cosmos and your nexus to the world. Everything happens for a reason. So, let's connect!
Website Credits:
Tyler Moore for his Tesseract Theme & Create a Website tutorial. He rocks!
Ben Finney for Wikipedia Hexagrams
All information on this website is under copyright ©.