Ansuz Rune

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Ansuz is known as the Rune of Odin, Rune of the Ash Tree or God Rune. A huge Ash tree, called Yggdrasil, the Norse’s great world tree or tree of existence, was filled with magic and secret realms. Surprisingly, the Ash is the only tree out of the olive family that is native to Britain. Yggdrasil had roots reaching down to Hel and boughs reaching up to the heavens. Ansuz means god, which leads you to the widely revered god of the Germanic tribes Odin. In Norse mythology Odin created the first male and female humans from trunks of trees that had wash ashore on a beach engendering in them the breath or Önd of inspirational ecstasy for the spirit of life, for he was also the magical God of the Wind. Ask was animated with the male name meaning Ash Tree and Embla with the female name meaning Elm or Water Pot. Ask and Embla are closely associated to Yggdrasil and the Well of Urd, and you put them together with Odin’s sacrifice for the runes of hanging from Yggdrasil for nine days while staring into the well of Urd, and it equals the Ansuz rune in all its glory of cosmic power for the ability to communicate by symbols, letters and words for you to recognize the hidden truths of the conscious collective.

Ansuz is Odin’s rune of knowledge, wisdom, messages, creativity and divine power of the gods giving prophecy and revelations as well as thoughts derived from communing with nature. Odin drank from Mimir's fountain of knowledge in exchange for an eye, and in another poem, he drank the drink of Hydromel, a brew similar to mead, containing blood that was believed to be the source of all poetry. Interestingly, the few drops of Hydromel that he spilled are all that remained for the rest of mankind.

Ancient Runemasters were poets and raconteurs with words the tools of their trade. Verbal folklore was passed down from word to mouth before Odin discovered the secret of the runes that were carved on Yggdrasil for all Nine Worlds to share this wisdom, and later they were marked on stone and wood for posterity. Odin sacrificed himself for the wisdom of the runes, which inspires you to put your thoughts into words, writing and even public speaking. Communication, information and words are used to solve puzzling problems using brains instead of brawn.

Ansuz encourages exploits for poets, artists and writers for the flow of self-expression. The divine exchange can go from vision to actualization. Ideas and opportunities get mixed up and walk a fine line with imagination and fantasies. Freeing yourself with words is the art of conversation and the emancipation of fear. Words spoken aloud make more sense. An open dialogue has people wearing their hearts on their sleeves. On the other hand, insincerity and lying will only manifest trouble and eventual truths.

Energy is the breath of life, spiritus, making you both The Fool and Magician whom hold the power of conscious-symbol transformation. Alphabetical letters are symbols that require interpretation of “reading between the lines,” per se. Accuracy and precision in your word avoids misunderstandings that can occur from vague and improperly used words.

A cosmic awakening comes from not only words said but how they are said. Words express how a culture thinks, and learning the different methods of communication and languages highlight cultural edification, thus opening doors to different ways to deal with the same problem. Good judgment from straight thinking speeds understanding and good words. If you can describe something, you can understand it. If you draw it, you have looked at it. Publishing, communication industries, media are enhanced by the presence of Ansuz. Knowing yourself and knowing your audience makes the right words come out at the right time in front of the right people.

Words are your vehicle of career success for work done with ingenuity and passion. A successful writer is the one who can evoke emotions and sympathies. Words are rhetoric, the art of persuasive in speaking or writing. Words set things in stone especially when it’s a legal contractual agreement, giving it stability and order. Ansuz can inspire magic through Galdr, spell incantations, or through ceremonies for the rites of passage.

Naming something is unique to humans and causes emotional bonds to form. Words can be weapons or soothing balms. If you can’t explain an idea, it certainly isn’t worth talking about. Talking over a difficult situation can bring more understanding than just mulling it over. This rune warns you not to ignore the message just because you didn’t like its implications. It might not be your truth but certainly could be someone else’s truth that’s close to you. Manipulation through words for personal gain or propaganda corrupts the original idea of sharing information, experiences and feelings bringing insincerity. Ansuz warns you that there are times for silence, listening and speaking. Do you like this rune or is it a rhetorical question, which requires no words. The Norse believe that the mouth is the source of all language, a pillar of wisdom and a comfort to wise men, a blessing and a joy to every knight.

Keywords: Odin (Woden), God, Order, Pantheon, Word-Power, Messages, Communication, Language, Creativity, Breath, Intellect, Inspiration, Knowledge, Strength, Diplomacy, Prophecy, Interpretation, Decision-Making

Associated Tarot Cards: The Fool, The Magician & Suit of Swords

Astrological Signs: Air Signs (Aquarius, Gemini & Libra)

Planets: Mercury & Uranus

Norse God: Odin, the All-Father and the supreme being of Norse Mythology, is the god of the unceasing quests for wisdom and discoverer of the runes, secret magic letters. He is associated to the planet Mercury which signifies the god Mercury whom was messenger of the gods.

Other Spellings: Aesir, Ansur, Ansus, As, Aza, Easc & Oss

Pronunciation: Awn-sooze