Gebo Rune

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Two opposing Kenaz symbols make this rune the power of light and love in partnerships and relationships that are now attempting to forge deeper bonds. Gebo is the balancing of giving and receiving. What is given, sacrificed or offered without desire of reciprocation is returned in spade. Two extremes exist in Gebo’s realm–order or chaos. A latent talent may spring up on the radar or one that you haven’t utilized for a very long time resurfaces, and you find a beneficial use for it. As the whole theme of Libra, this is about maintaining balance and especially in partnerships of all kinds to include love relationships. To keep anything in equilibrium, decisions have to be made to readjust the weight of the scale to achieve fairness and balance. Harmony must prevail over chaos. This is the reap what you sow rune and what comes around goes around. The treasure of love is a true gift and the reason for giving. The extension of love is the journey of self-fulfillment. The Goddess of Love, Freya, was called upon to bring the magic of love back into the lives of the Norse. Brísingamen, her necklace of gems and precious metals, was a sought after prize that caused trouble through lust, theft and war, and is a warning that precious, material gifts can cause trouble. Money or something of immense earthly value does not necessarily bring happiness and love.

Give and receiving in any relationship is much more complicated than it first appears. In any relationship there is always one that has more of a tendency to give and the other to receive. Although many relationships can be egalitarian, most have one partner that takes more than he or she gives. That’s fine when circumstance dictate such as if the other has been sick, going to school or is temporarily financially strapped, but there are those who manipulate and exploit. Thus the giver turns into an enabler and codependent rather than a significant other or spouse. If the energy of Gebo is used correctly, you can have union without the loss of identity, which requires the bridge between the unconscious and conscious to be open for traffic.

Love is not love if it is gauged on how much you give and do for the other person. This rune protects those who are being taken advantage of. Acts of kindness shouldn’t expect favors but giving has to be a two-way street. As with the Justice Tarot card, this can be about legal matters, contractual agreements and court proceedings because alliances are forged through these types of agreements.

Energy is given, exchanged and received with Gebo; to give is to gain. Sacrifice of any kind for the exchange of wisdom is considered a worthy endeavor and for love is considered loyalty. Giving from your lesser self raises you into a higher self.

Keywords: Gift, Love, Partnership, Loyalty, Union, Synergy, Harmony, Universal, Balance, Giving & Receiving, Exchange, Generosity, Talent, Loneliness, Ingratitude, Expectations, Reciprocation, Trade, Sacrifice, Compensation

Associated Tarot Cards: High Priestess, Lovers, Justice, Judgement, Queen of Pentacles & 6 of Pentacles

Astrological Signs: Libra & Pisces

Planet: Venus & Moon

Norse God: Sif, wife of Thor, who was the golden-haired prophetess of earth & relationships.

Other Spellings: Gebu, Geuua, Geofu, Giba, Gifu, Gipt, Giof & Gjof

Pronunciation: Ghay-bow