Jera Rune

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Jera means year, season or a coming harvest and is the 12th rune that signifies the months in a year. Allow changes to run their natural course because you cannot speed them up. A favorable time has come for abundance and rewards from your hard work. Gradual positive changes are taking place that feels so natural you can barely perceive they’re happening. Jera is the harvest from the fruits of your labor with subtle energy from a gentle hand that can nudge proceedings into beneficial directions over time. Patience is necessary with the ebb and flow of the tides; things come and go naturally without your intervention. The reoccurring cycles have their rhythm that needs to be respected. Time is illusive to man but not to nature. Humans may never completely understand the concept of time, but we can respect it and allow it to flow on its own volition. Time is the river of life. However, time is relative and speeds up and slows down with only us perceiving and not controlling it. Time flies and other times it stands still. The cycle of yearly life dictates the food you eat, the clothing you wear and the work you do.

Those who live today in the cold tundra areas know there are only two seasons road construction and winter, and the Norse thought there was only summer and winter. This is the yin and yang of summer and winter, hot and cold, thaw and solidification. The cycle of birth and rebirth maintains each other. Food harvest from summer maintains you through the harsh winter, warning you that there will be times of abundance and dearth and to plan appropriately.

Something is coming to fruition. The time has come to let go of the old and welcome and make room for the new; adjustments need to be made as the constant flow of change affects your life. Communal celebrations mark the time of year of sow and harvest.

Cramming for a testing is not learning. You will never learn math unless you do it every day. The value of learning is not cramming information in one ear and out the other with no mnemonic rhythms of understanding, and the same goes for the small every day things that need to be done to maintain the big monthly things.

Time to the Norse was not liner but circular with the influences of the past still affecting the present and future. The present observed the ominous prophecies of doomed events to come during the time of Ragnarök. The whole perception of their mythology was the ever present cycles of destruction and recreation. This concept also encompasses the seeds of thought and ideas to the death of their completion. Nature, nurture and nourishment all need to be developed on their own time good time and all are for the creation of life.

Keywords: Year, Season, Seeds, Fruitfulness, Bounty, Life Cycles, Harvest, Hopes, Expectations, Achievement, Hard Work, Effort, Waiting, Move, Change, Development, Alignment

Associated Tarot Cards: Hermit & The Hanged Man

Astrological Signs: Libra & Capricorn

Planets: Moon & Saturn

Norse God: Gefjun, the Generous One, plowed the land with her sons whom turned into four oxen.

Other Spellings: Gaar, Jara, Jer, Jeran & Yer

Pronunciation: Year-ah