Kenaz Rune

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Kenaz is all about light shining into the dark corners where it rarely reaches as well as extending it to the fire within every person. Fiery passion of Kenaz oversees art, romance, career or whatever is burning strong at the time. The pleasant warmth of fire and the cauldron over the fire provides nourishment fueling comfort while playing with fire can get you burned. Fire is one of the most useful tools man discovered, and the most destructive force if not managed correctly. Fire can purify or taint desires. The Titan Prometheus stole the heavenly fire for humanity, enabling the progress of civilization, and Zeus sentenced him to eternal torment for his transgression. Prometheus lit a torch from the Sun and brought the blazing arts of civilized writing, mathematics, agriculture, medicine, and science to man. Zeus not only withheld fire from humanity, but he also hid "the means of life,” casting man into the eternal struggle of survival.

Can you manage fire without getting burned? Every day of your life is the test. That’s why this rune can also mean boil, scorching or being burnt. We have the power to create or destroy. Artistic passions are stoked by the flame of originality and creativity, and sexual energy is released by stirred fervor. Kenaz is the torch that lights your way, magical power that changes your way and the vision or blindness along the way. The key is using it as the guiding light of controlled change, a governor to not squelch your passions but channel them. Otherwise, you’re dealing with your shadow self and will be required to embrace the inner darkness of ignorance; in these instances, a human is not connecting with the inner light and the impulse of your unconscious inner-self is not dealing well with the conscious for-self. Something is getting lost in the translation and you are thinking only about the irrational of–I want therefore I will have. Can you walk through the coals and not get burnt spiritually, mentally and emotionally?

Kenaz is akin to The Star card and is a beacon in the night, the light house to show you the way to safe moorings. Enlightenment is kindled in the hypnotic burning flames and sexual desires of ardor. The fervor of passion is renewed and purified. The lighting of a votive candle starts a vigil of waiting and watching and is symbolic of prayer.

Kenaz can symbolize a beginning or the continued suffering of secret pain. This is a time to reinvent yourself to create the future you visualize. Fire creates, transforms and awakens. Discernment is the ability to judge as well as spiritual direction of understanding. This can herald the ah-ha moments that you’ve been waiting for. The Word is a lamp by my feet, and a light on your path. If this rune points to the left, you are dwelling over the past, and if it points to the right, you know about the present.

In Norse mythology, Heimdall was known as the “shining god,” personified by a torch or beacon and was tasked with being the guardian to forestall the Twilight of the Gods. He taught the gift of the runes to humankind. Kenaz is the active search for something with less importance on what you find but more on how you acquired it.

Keywords: Torch, Beacon, Enlightenment, Power of Light, Flame, Burning, Heat, Renewal, Regeneration, Sexuality, Revelations, Creation, Ulcer, Boil, Swelling, Blazing Pain

Associated Tarot Cards: Magician, Empress, Star, King of Cups, Queen of Cups & Suit of Wands

Astrological Signs: Sagittarius & Leo

Planets: Venus & Mars

Norse God: Heimdall

Other Spellings: Chozma, Kano, Kauna, Kaunan, Kaunaz, Kauno & Kusmas

Pronunciation: Kane-Awze