Laguz Rune

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Laguz means water and is the sea of the unconscious collective memories, and the strong current of deep waters of emotions. Water is the universal solvent of life and the life-giving force overseeing the tidal ebb and flow of life. The watery depth of the unconscious can hide turbulence or tranquility, for it can be a roiling hurricane of a sea or a placid mirror reflection of a lake. The rune encompasses feminine mystery, magic, love, intuition, compassion, emotions and mercurial moods. Laguz is like the dark matter that scientist can’t identify or understand because it pervades all things and only leaves tell-tale signs in its wake. Water influenced Norse beliefs from the conception of life to their afterworld of death. The Norse conducted a baptismal ritual of water on a child after birth while naming the child at the same time. The “aptrburdhr” rebirth rituals also included the touching of water. At the end of life Odin escorted the souls over primal waters to the land of the dead and was the origin of the Viking burial by ships. The danger of water is personified by the cruelty and destruction of havoc wreaked by Ægir and his wife Ran, Norse’s giants of the sea and lords of the oceans, whose nine daughters, known as the spirits of the waves or billow maidens, personified characteristics of waves pitching, rising, frothing, billowing, foaming, flecking, welling, cooling, and blood-hair for red sea foam. One daughter's name Himinglæva was particularly interesting because it meant “that through which one can see the heavens.” This is a reference to Himin (Heaven) and can also be translated as the Heaven-Shining-One or Transparent One. The couple’s lust for gold treasures brought danger to the waters, and those who drown from their pillaging would dine in Ægir’s underwater hall where he is famous for serving his homemade beer. Water is vital t life and a constant danger and embraces the constant of change.

Shipping trade routes and voyages of conquest mark prosperity or ruin. It’s a lifeline or demise, replenishment or dehydration. The small percentage of potable water in the world reminds you of utilizing resources frugally. Your inner voice of reason can keep you from harm.

The rune is the river of the mind and lake of the soul. Laguz are the waves taking you to the land of dreams and secret places in your mind. Surf-breaking prophecies well up from the depth of your unconscious mind. Care must be taken because emotional disorders can surface into depressions, fears and lunacy with its strong association to the Moon. Delusion and illusions can inundate the imagination. The ripples from a pebble dropped into the water can affect the other side of the world.

Mímir, the Rememberer and god of the well, oversaw the well where Odin scarified an eye in exchange for a drink from the water to acquire wisdom. Mímir was the divine force of wisdom of past traditions and a guide for present actions. This is the very well where Odin gained his wisdom of the runes from the well named Urd, meaning destiny.

Water is the reflection of ourselves.
Proverb 27:19

Keywords: Water, Life-Force, Tides, Waves, Memory, Dreams, Delusions, Flowing, Fluidity, Unconscious, Emotions, Release, Healing, Destruction, Spiritual, Intuition, Magic, Mystery, Fantasy, Conception, Life & Death

Associated Tarot Cards: High Priestess, The Moon, Star & Suit of Cups

Astrological Signs: Cancer & Pisces

Planets: Moon & Neptune

Norse Gods: Ægir & Ran are the giants of the seas & oceans

Other Spellings: Lagu, Lagus, Logr & Lagaz

Pronunciation: Lah-gooze