Nauthiz Rune

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Nauthiz means need and is a rune that challenges self, directs destiny and allows the universal laws to run their course in an ordained natural order or lot. This is where you can be your own worst enemy with the cup half empty instead of half full while resisting change. Ignorance is bliss until something happens and your house of cards falls. Paradoxically, plans have to be reviewed and revised to not interfere with the destiny of the natural order. Honesty is the best policy as you are doing some soul searching for answers. This is a time to shed you physical desires and go within to desperately seek you. The rose-colored glasses have to be taken off for a candid look at self. Soul searching is one of the most painful exercises a person can do, but it needs to be done and done often and candidly. What you need and what you want are two different things, and perilously you just might get what you wish for. Walking softly instead of charging into a scene is advisable right now. Think before you act will keep you out of trouble and avoid embarrassment. Can you find enough humility to be yourself in the face of other people? Can you laugh at yourself and joke around with others about simple mistakes that you made? If you can, you’ve won half the battle. Time to shed your worldly desires  and question what is the purpose of your life on this earth. This rune gives you the strength needed to sacrifice something of self for betterment. It’s the requirement to overcome obstacles by making needed changes on your life path and, at times, changing destiny for a more positive spin on your ultimate fate.

You may have to deal with Obsessive-Compulsive disorder type issues. High anxiety and inner stress has to be dealt with before you hit an early grave. Trauma, worry and stress from external forces need not cause you to suffer. A natural death is unavoidable but suffering through life is avoidable.

Listen to the guidance of others who are more experienced than you in some matters that can help you avoid simple but costly mistakes. Seek out a master for assistance. Idiot strings of common sense need to be implemented to protect you from yourself; this is the basic necessity to not lose sight of one’s self. You cannot always trust your decisions to be in your best interest but to be in the interest of our excessive desires and wants. Rational thinking will help find your way out the maze of complexity created by your own complicated thoughts. Untamed fire is your master if you are not careful. 

Nauthiz is a warning that trouble could lay ahead if not averted. You are blind to what’s going on and should look for something that is missing in the equation or what you must let go. The symbol signifies two sticks of wood that can be rubbed together to make the fire of purification that brings on the thaw for the use of potential energy. Decisions need to be made when the call-to-action comes. Be ready…

You have to make the distinction between the need for survival and the want for luxury. Patience is an art form that needs to be honed at this time. It is now time to let things take its natural course. A drop of water takes the path of least resistance. Don’t act until the right time to act comes along. You’ll know it and feel it when it comes. Nothing can stay in a stasis forever.

Conflict and hardship can be averted if you recognize the signs and discover strength from your weaknesses. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Purge the past, live in the present and keep an eye to future. Like The Hermit card, it reminds you that you had the answers all along; you just had to find them. To thine own self be true…

Keywords: Self, Hardship, Painful Lessons, Necessity, Constraint, Restraint, Conflict, Drama, Accountability, Distress, Sacrifice, Friction, Resistance, Trouble, Overcome, Needs Vs. Wants

Associated Tarot Cards: Hermit, The Hanged Man, Devil & Judgement

Astrological Signs: Capricorn & Aries

Planets: Mars & Neptune

Norse God: Skuld, meaning debt, is one of three Norns of Destiny that lives at the base of Yggdrasil near the Well of Urd to oversee “What Shall Be” by shaping destiny through carving the runes onto the truck of Yggdrasil, the tree of existence.

Other Spellings: Ny, Naudhiz, Nauths, Nyd, Naut & Nied

Pronunciation: Now-These