Othala Rune

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The original core meaning of Othala is believed to be from the Old High German words of Odal or Opal for noble, thus covering a wide array of meanings of title, birthright, distinguished, moral, superior, admirable and impressive or imposing, and in essence, the concept stems from a Latin word that infers something notable, get to know or find out. The first letter Fehu in this runic alphabet means movable wealth, and this last letter means permanent accumulated wealth with spiritual connections to the possession of land or perhaps more definitively ancestral land and cultural roots. The bond of land, clan and man inevitably put you into a social class of inheritance. In I Ching the noble of Othala refers to the Superior Person whom exhibits Virtuous Wisdom. Past experiences can be a well-spring of knowledge, but this antiquated wisdom has be to ingeniously applied to the present that cascades into the future, which makes this a futuristic rune to close the loop of past to future. The presence of the Othala rune reminds you to concentrate on your goals but do not impose too much force that will lead to chaos, utilizing what you have will help you to acquire the tools needed for your achievements.

Ancestral spirit related to the amalgamation of all the power of the runes procures something greater than ourselves with an aspect of unification. This is a mystical struggle between the unconscious inner-self versus the conscious for-self for balancing the entropic cycle of order to disorder and vice versa. Othala depicts the constant involuntary struggle to feint off the selfishness and avarice of the world with the amicable management of resources to strike a harmonious balance.

The cosmic citizenship of shared destiny plays a hand in our collective fates but reminds you to breakout into a unique individual role within this collective realm. This is the epitome of the nexus of heaven to earth transcending you into the cosmic collective. Destiny can be changed by freewill intercession but fate cannot. You are striving for divine destiny by setting your feet towards celestial shared fates of one nation of humans and perhaps in the future other foreign beings not native to our earth.

Norse believed that the dead were reborn into one of their descendants, giving you a marker of your roots and assists you in determining who are you, and what’s your mission is in this world and are you fulfilling it? What type of legacy will you leave on this world? This can be a spiritual connection to possessions and land, but do you own these possessions or do they own you? Othala is wealth that cannot be bought.

What does home mean to you? Othala signifies the spiritual and physical journey or the reworking of value and your values. You are at a juncture to question what you value and what your moralistic values are. Your mission is to define the meaning of your life through truth, your particular value of truth and identifying the universal truths of life and death. In Old Norse the word home, heimr, meant both home or residence and land or world–or that which lies between you and Hel(l). Hel in Old Norse meant dead, realm of the dead or hidden or cover, and Hel also refers to the giant Goddess of the Dead. Hel is a place where humans have to go after their death, “For there is a time when every man shall journey hence to Hel."

However, before some of the dead reach Hel, Freyja and Odin selected the ones who were worthy of living in Folkvang and Valhalla. Freyja chooses those for Folkvangr (people-field) and Odin receives the distinguished warriors into Valhalla (Hall of the Slain), and the rest went to harsh and cruel lands of Hel. Can you distinguish yourself in life for the afterlife in Folkvangr or Valhalla where wounds are healed, health restored and food and drink are available in abundance or will you go to Hel?

This can be a time of great prosperity with adventures that always leads you home or to a place you consider home that has security and comfort. New experiences are coming, so are you taking heed from the wisdom of the ages passed on by the words of the elders? Can you take responsibility of your destiny and make virtuously, wise decisions towards your fate? The reverse (merkstave) of this rune is the blasphemous forgetfulness of the wisdom of the past not regarded for the future for sustainability of your long-term enterprises.

Keywords: Family, Kin, Ancestors, Nobility, Estate, Inheritance, Legacies, Traits, Homeland, Home, Past Knowledge, Cosmic Citizenship, Group Order, Unity, Accumulated Wealth, Karma, Destiny-Fate, Acquisition, Inborn Talents, Lore, Traditions, Custom, Language, Responsibility, Completion, Utopia, Value & Values

Associated Tarot Cards: Emperor, Hierophant, Hermit, Devil & World

Astrological Signs: Earth (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)

Planets: Moon & Uranus

Norse God: Fjörgyn, the mother of Thor, symbolizes earth

Other Spellings: Odhal, Odthal, Ogthala, Otael, Othal, Othala, Othalan, Othilia & Utal

Pronunciation: Oath-ah-law