Perthro Rune

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Perthro is a journey through the unknown, a magical mystery tour of the strange, usual and unexpected. Combinations of various things bring surprising and peculiar results. At times, it is true that drawing lots sets destiny on its path. The freewill that is given to humans allows us a hand in determining our destiny, which can drastically alter our original-purpose destiny in life. Memories from past lives and our childhood up to the present direct our lives in so many unknown ways that it’s almost inconceivable that these unconscious rites of passage have reshaped our being. Knowing when to bet and when to pass is the key to making the most of the Perthro rune. If prescience fails you, awareness will not. Perthro expresses the Norse concept of Wyrd with the Goddess of Fate of the same name and the ever present concept of interconnectedness of the whole. In fact, this is where the word weird originated and means destiny from the natural consequences of our own actions or lack of actions. To the Norse Wyrd wasn’t necessarily a fate or fortune but more of a force in action. You have two choices and what will come to pass stems from a controlled course of action or the come what may attitude, implying consequences involved in allowing it to run its course without intervention.

Old emotional baggage usually gets in the way of our astrological north and south Moon nodes. The north node is the purpose or the lessons we are to learn in our current life, and the south node is where you don’t want to trod no more; nevertheless, unresolved issues from your past (or past lives) have the propensity of resurfacing that seek resolutions before they can be buried for eternity.

Will of fate, whims of the gods, divination, reading signs, events and omens describe this rune. You, someone you know or something will animate to become an oracle, indicating you will receive a message from an unexpected source. A glance into the future of what is to come will alter your being, life and perhaps your direction and path. The word oracle means to speak, so something will speak to you.

Secrets of nature can be glimpsed through the Perthro rune, and equates to the world of conundrums that may be answered only if you can interpret what you are sensing, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling. Value to you is revealed for what has significance through what is meaningless. What was meaningless yesterday may have great significance today. Wise guidance is not always heeded until you have a use for it. However, do you always need proof for you to make a leap of faith? Innocence is a doorway leading to experience.

The joy of a job well done could return and more financial stability from the injection of a new zephyr of energy. The restoration of a long broken connection or contact from a person that was thought long lost. New eyes look at things from different perceptives, and the reinvigoration of a drab love or dull time in life could have a rebirth. Health matters are strengthened or regained from illness. Your existence could receive an injection of vitality and love, and you could find new adjectives to describe it adequately.

Will this rune of the unknown show you a message or vision randomly, or will it be fate that some mysterious event or vision brings you a message at the very right time? Orlog is the Norse notion of a primal layer of self or a series of strings that determines your fate; if you tend to be or project a certain something, the universe tends to give it back to you that certain something way. This concept sways from the idea of karmic sum of a person’s actions. Orlog is more of like attracts like instead of a comparison or balancing of good and evil.

Keywords: Mystery, Lot, Unknown, Destiny, Karma, Windfall, Chance, Hidden Knowledge, Divination, Awareness, Concealed, Not Yet Revealed

Associated Tarot Cards: The Fool, Magician, High Priestess & 6 of Cups

Astrological Signs: Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)

Planets: Neptune & Uranus

Norse God: Frigg is an itinerant soothsaying goddess of the unknown.

Other Spellings: Per, Peor, Perth, Palrthra, Peordh, Perdhro & Peorth Pairthra, Perb, Perthu, Peordh, Perthrold, Pertr

Pronunciation: Perth-Row