Sowilo Rune

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Sowilo literally means Sun and is used for converting energy into action; it shines a spotlight on what you value. The presence of this rune is a catalyst to energize topics of interest or to excite the nearby runes or cards and indicates success if a question asked. The power of authority, decision-making and social gain equals advancements and promotions. Once in the shining glare of the spotlight, you must be very careful about how you act. Live with clarity and free yourself of the dark side of your mind. Illuminated minds carry creative imaginations that ride you on the wave of good fortune. Positive thoughts with willpower and understanding produce positive realities. Purification and truth spring from this energy for the power of light, life and illumination (enlightenment). The cleansing light is the living flame. Empowerment and control of your life is being offered to you. The burning heat of truth brings foresight and those ah-ha moments in life that suddenly make connections that were not perceived before. You are now The Magician who can make something out of nothing through your willpower and ideas. The time has come to make your dreams come true with strength and perseverance. The light in the tunnel is coming closer and brighter. The lamp of light and life is by your feet illuminating the way.

Change is now presenting invigorating challenges. Doors of opportunity are swinging open for you to make new discoveries and innovate on what you’ve discovered. New talents are emerging as tools for you to draft new experiences and adventures. However this is also a time to be pragmatic, prudent and frugal. Allow the spark of a burning flame to ignite your courage, curiosity and personal quests as the Sun sparkles vitality of love. Willpower blazes with potency, power and possibilities. The symbol S of Sowilo can represent the warmth of a ray of light or the destructive force of lightning.

In Norse mythology the god Baldur epitomizes the Sowilo rune for light, beauty, love and happiness. His strength of ten came from his pure heart. It is said that no impure thing was to be found in his dwelling; no one could impugn his courage. He counseled peace through gentle acts and infinite wisdom, and his beauty was the beauty of the whitest of all the flowers of the Northland, named after him Baldrsbrá. When in danger, only a twig of mistletoe was not asked to keep Baldur out of harm's way and that was his demise. One small overlooked thing can cast a shadow on your Sun. Sowilo is not a rune of conquest and victory but triumph over wounds of all kinds. This rune is about walking with your face to the sun and your shadow behind you.

Keywords: Sun, Seat of Soul, Cosmic Energy, Life-Force, Discovery, Strength, Action, Motivation, Spiritual Awareness, Limitless Energy, Honor, Glory, Victory, Hope, Guidance

Associated Tarot Cards: Magician, Chariot, Strength, Star & Sun

Astrological Signs: Leo & Sagittarius

Planets: Sun & Jupiter

Norse God: Baldur (Son of Odin & Freya) is the Prince of Norse Gods for light, love and happiness.

Other Spellings: Sowulo & Sigil

Pronunciation: Soe-wee-loh